Utilities and Infrastructure Industries

Improv can change the way you work so the world can continue to work.

Whether you are the leader of a team that spans across the United States or a blue-collar worker out in the field every day, utility workers and managers could learn a lot from the world of improvisation.

The communication between home offices and workers out in the field is a hard world to navigate especially when there are policy changes, procedure changes, or workplace enhancements that are supposed to make your job easier. These changes may not go over well with the whole company. This is where improv comes in to play.

With our corporate improv workshops, your employees will learn how to communicate, collaborate and adapt to the changing world of utilities and infrastructure. Improvisers have the abilities to influence others around them at a second’s notice, knowing exactly what the team needs. Sharing this ability with others in the utilities industry will allow everyone to be on the same page, especially as they are managing change such as environmental impacts, cyber security, threats, and an aging infrastructure overall. The skills of active listening, “Yes, and…”, and give and take allows improvisers to be successful in the face of change.

Improvisers build radical trust amongst each other which leads to higher resiliency amongst teams. Think about the impact this resiliency would have been bouncing back from things such as climate change, supply chain, disruptions, and every day safety concerns. There is a lot that goes on in utilities, and having the ability to lean in on a team member or bounce back from a negative situation while fully trusting your team could radically change your work culture.

With the challenges that the utilities and infrastructure industry faces each day there’s more of a need than ever to be innovative, strategic thinkers, and collaborate at a higher level. Improvisation is the solution to all of these.

Ready to learn more about Corporate Improv Workshops with WitWorks? Let’s chat!