About Katie Drown, Co-Founder of WitWorks

“…improv principles made their way into my approach to training, interacting, and communicating with my corporate teams.”

Hello! Katie, here. Performance has been a constant throughout my life. My first gig was at the age of 10 weeks old. I played the role of baby Jesus in our small-town nativity play. From there I never stopped performing. In college, I fell in love with improv comedy because of the huge ROI. Unlike theater, I didn't have to memorize lines or attend weeks of rehearsals for one show. Improv became the new and efficient way I fulfilled my need for a creative outlet. The benefits didn't stop there as I soon found that improv principles brought wisdom and joy to my life off the stage as well.

Post-graduation, I delved into the vibrant comedy scene in Columbus, Ohio, making my mark as a professional performer and eventually as an improv educator and coach. At the same time, my career in tech startups began. Naturally, improv principles made their way into my approach to training, interacting, and communicating with my corporate teams. The results: good communication, happy people, and highly functional teams.

A decade later I was impacted by a big corporate layoff and thought, here's my opportunity to take my improv knowledge and all my work experience (startup, L&D, operations, comms, knowledge management, people management, etc) and merge these worlds into something exciting. I called my friend Alex and floated the idea of WitWorks, and the rest is history as they say.

Ready to learn more about corporate improv workshops with WitWorks? Let’s chat!

P.S. Want to see a show? Currently, I am a member of three highly acclaimed Columbus shows produced by the Hashtag Comedy Company: "TBD the Improvised Musical," "Ladies Who Lounge," and "ROT". You can check us out here.