Meet Alex Lefeld, Co-Founder of WitWorks

…my improv skills allowed me great success in the world of Learning and Development…”

Hello! Alex Lefeld here. Improv performance and education have been central to my life for over 15 years. My journey began at Ohio State University, where I earned a degree in Theatre and founded Fishbowl Improv, a group that continues to thrive today.

After college, I ventured into the world of customer service training and discovered that my improvisation skills significantly enhanced my success in Learning and Development. For the past decade, I've had the privilege of designing and facilitating Business Development and Improv Workshop experiences for renowned organizations across the world. These experiences have helped teams build stronger connections, engage in authentic communication, and drive business growth.

I specialize in creating learning experiences that are engaging, creative, and push adult learners to rethink their approach to collaboration, communication, and adaptability in any situation.

Ready to learn how WitWorks can help your business? Let’s talk!