Government Agencies

Improv can help save the day!

It’s not a secret that working in the government is often one of the hardest industries to work within. Whether it is bureaucracy and red tape or a lack of resources or budget to complete any given task, government workers often have to manage change more than any other industry.

This is where improv can save the day! Improvisers have to think quickly to create something wonderful right away with very limited resources, often only having a one word suggestion from the audience to go from. The magic of improv is that it allows team members to collaborate, communicate, and innovate in a rapid fashion, even with these other restrictions in place.

In addition, improvisers have to make these quick decisions in front of a live, hopefully paying, audience, which is not so different from public scrutiny that some government officials may face in their work. The ability to step on stage with confidence and trust in your team is something that any Government worker needs in their repertoire.

The ability to influence others and manage change, should be a key skill of any government worker as well. Whether it’s policy changes, leadership change, or any sort of global/local event, you have to be able to influence others around you and ensure everyone is collaborating. Improvisers give and take space on stage so everyone can show up and be their best selves in any moment. This ability to influence others in improv can be replicated in the office of any government building.

Now you might be saying to yourselves “Wait a minute it! This is the government we’re talking about. We have to obey laws, regulations, and policies so how can we improvise in a space with so many restrictions? That’s the thing about improv! Improvisers follow strict guidelines so everyone is on the same page going into a scene. When improvisers practice, they practice different forms, character, types, and even different types of improvised songs so when they walk into a scene, they don’t have to think about the minutia that goes into an improv scene. They can stay present in the moment, support players around them, and focus on being creative and innovative in the scene.

By using the art of improvisation, leaders and teams within the government can help build team morale, enhance skills to promote job security, boost interdepartmental communication, and make the world, or your, local county, a better place.

Ready to learn more about Corporate Improv Workshops with WitWorks? Let’s chat!